Outgoing President Becomes EUSU Alumni Officer

The Club President for 2012/13, Fraser Stockton, has been duly announced EUSU Alumni Officer in an uncontested election at today’s Sports Union AGM. He joins the new Executive Committee, headed by Rob Tate.

President Rob Tate Swimming and Water Polo
Hon. Treasurer George Hunt Badminton
Vice President Conor Bond Men’s Hockey
VP Intra-Mural Robert Key Squash and Football
Hon. Secretary Sarah Whittick Women’s Lacrosse
Publicity Officer Douglas Taylor Basketball
Alumni Officer Fraser Stockton Curling
Sponsorship Officer Marsh Flint Mountaineering
Intra-Mural Co-ordinator Mareena Sergeeva Boat & Netball

*No nominations were submitted. Entries will be accepted for the General Meeting in September.


Photo: Edinburgh University Sports Union