The Club President for 2012/13, Fraser Stockton, has been duly announced EUSU Alumni Officer in an uncontested election at today’s Sports Union AGM. He joins the new Executive Committee, headed by Rob Tate.
President | Rob Tate | Swimming and Water Polo |
Hon. Treasurer | George Hunt | Badminton |
Vice President | Conor Bond | Men’s Hockey |
VP Intra-Mural | Robert Key | Squash and Football |
Hon. Secretary | Sarah Whittick | Women’s Lacrosse |
Publicity Officer | Douglas Taylor | Basketball |
Alumni Officer | Fraser Stockton | Curling |
Sponsorship Officer | Marsh Flint | Mountaineering |
Intra-Mural Co-ordinator | Mareena Sergeeva | Boat & Netball |
Events* | – | – |
*No nominations were submitted. Entries will be accepted for the General Meeting in September.