Hey guys just to let everyone know that unfortunately the curling rink will be shut due to Covid restrictions for at least the next two weeks. This means there will be no practice session tomorrow or the following Wednesday (21st October). Fingers crossed the rink will be open the following week and we will get back to practice! Keep safe and hopefully, we will be back soon! 
FREE taster session open to all university and college students in Edinburgh! Please get in touch via email – curling@ed.ac.uk – if you are interested in coming along.
FREE taster session open to all university or college students in Edinburgh! Please get in touch via email – curling@ed.ac.uk – if you are interested in coming along.
Today marks the much anticipated SQA results day in Scotland, we hope you are all happy with the grades you have received and if you have decided to come to join us at Edinburgh University we look forward to seeing lots of new faces at our first practice!
To keep up to date with any news of practice and our upcoming virtual Sports Fair make sure to give us a follow on our social media pages; our facebook page, facebook group, Instagram, Twitter. And we will keep you updated with all we have in store for our next season. No experience is necessary, we love to introduce new people to the sport!
Hope to see you all soon!
If you’ve read through our website or had a chat with us at the Sports Fair and you’ve heard enough about curling by now, come and give it a go! Your first two sessions are free, what more could you want as a student embarking on the well-travelled road of struggling bank balances?
We have qualified and experienced coaches to cater to every level of player, whether you’re a seasoned player or have never thrown a stone before. All equipment is provided, just be sure to bring a pair of clean, flat shoes and warm clothes.
Meet us at Murrayfield for 2.15pm on Wednesday 20 and 27 September if you want to give it a go!
If you’ve read through our website or had a chat with us at the Sports Fair and you’ve heard enough about curling by now, come and give it a go! Your first two sessions are free, what more could you want as a student embarking on the well-travelled road of struggling bank balances?
We have qualified and experienced coaches to cater to every level of player, whether you’re a seasoned player or have never thrown a stone before. All equipment is provided, just be sure to bring a pair of clean, flat shoes and warm clothes.
Meet us at Murrayfield for 2.15pm on Wednesday 20 and 27 September if you want to give it a go!
Come and join us for a chilled out BBQ (that’ll be the vibe, not the food) in the picturesque surroundings of the Meadows and embrace what being a student in Edinburgh is all about. We’ll be providing the food, including vegetarian options, as you chat and get to know us here at EUCC. Just be sure to bring warm clothes and any drinks you fancy!
For more info on where to find us in the Meadows, keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates or email us at curling@ed.ac.uk nearer the time.
Join us for striking practice of a different kind as we swap rink for lane and roll out the bowling shoes! Pull the pin on your other plans and we’ll try to spare you too many bowling puns.
Meet us outside Teviot at 5pm sharp on 14 September, we’ll make our way to Fountainbridge from there.
Look out for our stand at the Sports Fair on the 13th and 14th September, Pleasance Sports Hall, and feel free to come over for a chat with us! We’re more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the club and the sport.
Look out for our stand at the Sports Fair on the 13th and 14th September, Pleasance Sports Hall, and feel free to come over for a chat with us! We’re more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the club and the sport.
Practice will recommence the 25th of January at 2.30pm at the Murrayfield Ice Rink as per usual.
If you are new to the club please send an email to us and we will help you get there!
See you soon 🙂
Calling out for all the people interested in trying out curling!
We will be hosting an EdEx event on Saturday the 28th of January at 11.30. The event will be held at Murrayfield ice rink and we will meet up outside Teviot at 10.30. Bring warm and comfortable clothes and CLEAN shoes. The ticket is £3 for 2H of ice time with coaches and equipment provided!
To get a ticket sign up here!
7 teams bravely fought for the very appetising prize chocolate during the annual Christmas Bonspiel but the winners were Peter and his team with Rachel, Nick, Andrew and Meghan. A big congratulations!

And the Christmas Jumpers have never been rocked like this before!

We’ll be having our annual Christmas Bonspiel on the last practice for 2016! On the 30th of November at 2.30pm at Murrayfield Ice rink as usual.
Wear your ugliest Christmas jumper and come and join us for some ends of good curling!
Join the Facebook event! 🙂