All posts by PublicitySec

Edinburgh University 1 – 11 Heriots FP

On the 19th of October 2014 Edinburgh Universities team consisting featuring Wallentin, Fyfe, McCrossan and McQuistin would face off against a talented Heriots FP side in what would be the first Linlithgow  match of the season.

Sadly their game was marred with tragedy as McQuistin’s broom head flipped upon sliding out causing him to miss his shot for one. His day didn’t improve much from there.

Sadly it wasn’t the debut that Wallentin had hoped for, yet the team put in very good individual performances sadly they just weren’t up to standard of play produced by Heriots FP that day. The final score at 11-1 to Heriots FP

Gavin McQuistin

*******Alumni Bonspeil Coming up this Sunday 23rd March 2014******

As part of Edinburgh University Alumni Sports Day we’re hosting an alumni bonspiel on Sunday 23rd March at 3.50pm at Murrayfield Curling Rink.
We’d love to see as many alumni and current members there as possible for a fun afternoon of friendly competition and a dinner available afterwards. The cost for this event is £8 per head and a further £12.50 for the dinner.
You can come individually or as a group as we will be drawing up teams on the day.
If you wish to take part please sign up at

Edinburgh University 6 – 9 Vets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T
Edinburgh University 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 6
Vets * 1 2 0 3 0 3 0 9

On Sunday 23rd February 2014, Edinburgh University with a team of McQuistin as skip, McLean as third, Chiang playing second and Keatinge playing lead lost against the Vets 6-9.

We lost the coin loss and at first struggled to find out weight with most stones going straight through the house. McLean who had already played a match that morning, warned us as well that the ice was particularly swingy. Vets gained one, EUCC 0 -1.

Still struggling to find our weight and with swingy ice meant in the second end the Vets were able to gain 2, EUCC 0 -3.

Edinburgh University managed to gain 1 in the third end though due with credit given due to McLean doing a great takeout and McQuistin playing the eighth stone just slightly nearer to the centre of the house that the Vets opposing stone. EUCC 1-3.

The fourth end, however, saw the Vets takeout most of our stones and gain 3. Edinburgh University was now down 1- 6. McQuistin feeling the pressure managed to play spectacular shots in the fifth end with good shots from Keatinge and Chiang and a couple of ideal placed guards from McLean we gained 3. EUCC  4 – 5.

The match was getting close but the Vets were able to gain another 3 in end six and Edinburgh university were still struggling more than them with the swingy ice. End seven saw us have the advantage of the hammer and McLean and McQuistin able to take out several of the Vets stones. Although the Vets won it was a close game with great shots from McLean and McQuistin and the final score as 6-9 to the Vets.

Catriona Keatinge




Edinburgh University 7 – 2 Heriots FP

The final game of 2013 on 15th December saw Edinburgh University play Heriots FP and win 7 -2 to Edinburgh University! This was the second win for Edinburgh University of the semester both of with contained president Stirling in the winning team. The Edinburgh University team consisted of Stirling as skip, third was Sloan, Sheddan as second and making his debut for the club as lead was Buckbee. Sheddan particularly enjoyed playing against Heriots FP as a Heriots former people, but a more recent one at that.

Catriona Keatinge

Edinburgh University 5 – 8 The 37 Club

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T
Edinburgh University 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 5
The 37 Club * 2 0 2 0 3 0 1 8

Edinburgh University also played the 37 Club again three weeks later on 1st December 2013. By chance the score happened to be the same but the other way around in that it was 8-5 to the 37 Club. McQuistin was skip, Stockton third, McLean was second and lead was played by Keatinge.

We began by losing the coin toss and the 37 Club managed to gain 2 in the first end by taking out both of McLean’s excellently placed stones in the centre of the house. EUCC 0-2.

McQuistin was able to draw in to gain 1 in the second end however, EUCC 1-2.

In ends 3 and 4 both the 37 Club and Edinburgh university managed to gain 2 respectively. By the 4th end the game was close and we were only done by one, EUCC 3-4.

The 5th End, however, saw our chances begin to slip away. Both Keatinge and Stockton’s stones were too heavy and out of play allowing the opponent to have more stones in play. The house ended up with 4 of their stones close to the centre and 2 of McLean and McQuistin’s stones. The measure was used and it was decided that it was 3 to the 37 Club. EUCC 3 – 7.

With the hammer in the sixth end, McLean managed a well placed guard and McQuistin was nicely able to draw in giving Edinburgh University 2 in this end. EUCC 5-7.

In the seventh and final end, however, the 37 Club with the hammer gained 1 so that the final score was 8-5 to the 37 Club, still a close match and brilliant effort from McQuistin, McLean, Stockton and Keatinge.

Catriona Keatinge



Ednburgh University 8 – 5 The 37 Club

1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T
Edinburgh University  0 4 0 2 0 0  1 1  8
The 37 Club 1  0 2  0 2  0  0  0  – 5

Usually the university team isn’t favourite to win the matches in the Linlithgow league. Due to the skill of the opposition and the range of experience in the club. Yet, as McQuistin had cancelled his trip home to cut logs with his Dad in favour of studying, the University had a good competitive team lined up to play against the 37 club. In the form of Stirling as skip, McQuistin at third, McLean at second and Stockton at lead. All players had recently managed to acquire a win at University level curling so the teams hopes were high.

 The 37 club are currently sitting just above mid table with Edinburgh down near the bottom.

The first end went as expected. Instead of losing three or four shots Stirling managed to reduce the 37 club to only take one point after narrowly missing the double. Edinburgh University had the usual trouble of adjusting to the ice. Except McLean who had been playing since half eight that morning. 1-0 to the 37 Club.

 The second end begins and the rest of the team now begins to catch up to McLean. Stirling changes tactics, attempting to fill the house with University stones. It pays off. With excellent play at both ends and a double take-out from Stirling gives the university side a well deserved four points. 4-1 to EUCC.

 Going into the third the university team attempt to get stones in the house once more yet good play from the 37 cub results in them losing two. 4-3 to EUCC.

 The university club up their game once more with McLean making a very difficult hit through a tight gap and McQuistin follows this up by drawing into the centre of the house behind cover. Stirling guards allowing the University side to take two. 6-3 to EUCC.

 McLean plays two good stones to the centre of the house yet the 37 club manage to get two of their own lying shot. With a guddle forming there is little Stirling can do and the 37 club take two. 6-5 to EUCC.

 The sixth sees The University team with plenty stones in the house, Stirling is unlucky to make it two and Edinburgh get another point. 7-5 to EUCC

 Going into the last end only two shots up and against hammer  with the 37 club consistently taking two in the past few ends they’ve had hammer left the University team in a tense situation. Stirling opts to try and play the hitting game yet a long guard played by the 37 club foils this plan. It is then removed by McQuistin who then plays another hit to stick one University team stone in the house. The 37 club only manage to promote the stone further towards the centre of the house yet they still have first and second shot. They place in a third yet Stirling uses this to play a well executed hit and roll to lie shot with her last stone.  The opposition is unable to remove Stirlings effort and the match ends 8-5 to EUCC.

Gavin McQuistin


Edinburgh University 2 – 11 Aegon

H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T
Edinburgh University  *  0 0 0 0  1 0 0 1 2
Aegon  0 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 11

On Sunday 27th October Edinburgh University played Aegon in the Linlithgow League. The university team consisted of Spain as skip, Fyfe playing third, Sheddan as second and playing lead was Keatinge. This was Sheddan’s second curling game and Fyfe’s debut for the club.

Despite winning the coin toss, our winning streak shortly ended. Both teams struggled to find their weight in the first end with no stones remaining in the house. Ends 2,3 and 4 were very well played by the opposing team managing to guard or take out all of our stones. A well played shot by Fyfe in the 5th end kept the spirits up in our team although Aegon’s strong performance dominated with them also gaining 2 in both the 6th and 7th end. Spain managed a fantastic take out in the final end to give us one more point. Overall, Edinburgh University put in a lot more effort that the score may suggest.

Catriona Keatinge


Alumni Bonspiel

 As part of Edinburgh University Alumni Sports Day we’re hosting an alumni bonspiel on Sunday 23rd March at 3.50pm at Murrayfield Curling Rink.
We’d love to see as many alumni and current members there as p…ossible for a fun afternoon of friendly competition and a dinner available afterwards. The cost for this event is £8 per head and a further £12.50 for the dinner.
You can come individually or as a group as we will be drawing up teams on the day.
If you wish to take part please sign up at

Edinburgh University 2 – 9 Carrington

H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Edinburgh University 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2
Carrington * 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 9


Sunday 19th October saw our second Linlithgow League match of the season.  President and Vice President Team of Stirling and McQuistin were joined by new curlers Sheddan and Curry on the ice.  Curry made her second appearance for the club with Sheddan making his debut!

After an unlucky loss of the coin toss we had a rough first end with all team members struggling with the particularly keen ice.  With many of our stones through the back of the house Carrington were able to build up a solid 4 stones in the house, all scoring.  4-0 Carrington.

The second end saw the University team far more in control, although still struggling to get their weight.  With Stirling’s last stone clipping a well placed Carrington guard, the opposition stole 1. 5-0 Carrington.

The third end saw a more solid performance from Curry and then Sheddan, followed by shot of the match by McQuistin, with a perfectly executed run back double take out! Unfortunately an incorrect choice of handle left Stirling clipping the guard once more and allowing another Carrington steal.  6-0 Carrington.

A similar fourth end saw the skilful Carrington team set up a full house, but the University were left lying 1 with last stone still to come.  An unlucky catch of the corner of a stone saw our stone shifted out of shot position. 7-0 Carrington.

Here begins the come back!

With the front end gaining skills and experience rapidly and the back end slowly regaining skills that had been hibernating over the summer break, we began our comeback! With the house pretty full and a bit of a guddle at the front, a plan B take out by Stirling left us with our first score of the game! 7-1 Carrington.

Spurred on by our success in end 5, we had good guards from Curry, two perfect take outs from Sheddan, and some excellent tactical play from McQuistin and then Stirling leaving Carrington with two tricky options for their last shot.  Their skip was unsuccessful and we stole 1! 7-2 Carrington.

The seventh and final end saw more solid play from the University team, but Carrington also played well and set themselves up to score 2.

The final score was Carrington 9 – 2 Edinburgh University

We were pleased with our performance against a very tough team, and it was an excellent debut from Sheddan and second match from Curry.  Onwards and upwards for next week!

Jayne Stirling



Edinburgh University 6 – 8 DAFS

H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Edinburgh University  0  2 1  2  0  0 1  –  6
DAFS *  4  0  0  0  1  3  0  –  8

The EdinburghUniversity team consisting of McQuistin playing Skip, Sloan playing third, Stockton playing second and Curry playing lead. This was Sloan and Curry’s debut match for the club.


The first end didn’t go well for the University team. They lost the coin toss and they were unable to break through into the house due to the amount of stones left in play by their opposition. DAFS steals four in the first end.


The University curlers keep their heads up in the second with Stockton playing a draw in behind the oppositions stones. The opposition manage to get a chip on the stone and both spin out of the house. Sloan makes a strike at the front of the house which allows McQuistin to promote one stone onto the button and then draw a second shot around the guards to sit at the centre of the hose. EU takes two.


The third end begins. Curry makes a strike and a draw. DAFS answers back by removing these stones and start to form another group of guards at the front of the house. After several strikes from Sloan, McQuistin is able to draw one in behind to the middle of the house and the opposition skip is unable to get anything on it. EU steals one.


Curry starts off the fourth by landing a stone at the back of the house. DAFS plays one of top of this and Stockton does the same. DAFS once again plays one on top of this. Sloan isn’t given appropriate ice for her draw to do the same allowing DAFS to place a guard. Protecting the shot. McQuistin manages to use Sloan’s draw to displace the DAFS shot. An error from the DAFS skip allows EU to steal another two.


The fifth begins and most stones are once again in play. A “Guddle” forms at the front of the house and getting stones through becomes difficult. Sloan however manages to hit and roll behind cover. DAFS manage to get a chip on the stone yet they only manage to push it further behind cover. McQuistin’s attempts at placing guard fail to curl into the centre where wanted, allowing the DAFS skip to promote a stone. DAFS takes one.


Coming into the sixth end and DAFS appear to be in control again. After strikes from Stockton and Sloan, McQuistin faces three stones and has an option to either draw for one or attempt a double take out. With the knowledge that his draws had been more successful than his strikes in the past few ends and that the team was playing better against the hammer he opts for the draw. He regrets this decision as DAFS steals a three.


EU do their best to find three stones to bring themselves level in the last end. Curry again places a stone out wide on the house. DAFS continues their guarding game yet Edinburgh manage to get two stones in behind. Two draws from DAFS and McQuistin unable to do anything sensible the game ends. EU takes one.


Overall both teams were very happy with the standard of play. DAFS were given a challenge and EU stepped up their game – Especially Curry who was on the ice for their second time ever! – to take on last years runners up in the league. Hopefully more results like this to come.

Gavin McQuistin


Come and Try Session

Thank you to everyone who came to visit us at the Sports Fair last week, it was great to see so many people keen to get involved in curling!

Our first session of the season will be on Wednesday 25th September at 3pm, at our usual venue of Murrayfield Curling Rink.

There will be qualified coaches to help beginners through their first session, and if you’ve curled before we’ll have some more advanced coaching
available too. At the end of the session we will get as many people as possible involved in games!

The first session is a Come & Try session and will be FREE OF CHARGE.

There will be members of the committee outside the Pollock Halls Reception Centre, and outside Teviot in Bristo Square at 1.45pm.
From there we will get the bus to the ice rink. The bus costs £1.50 for a single ticket, so remember to bring change with you to get there and back!

The session ends at 5pm, and it is traditional to go upstairs to the bar for a drink afterwards, when you can meet some of the members and get to know more about the club! Food is also available at the ice rink.

Outgoing President Becomes EUSU Alumni Officer

The Club President for 2012/13, Fraser Stockton, has been duly announced EUSU Alumni Officer in an uncontested election at today’s Sports Union AGM. He joins the new Executive Committee, headed by Rob Tate.

President Rob Tate Swimming and Water Polo
Hon. Treasurer George Hunt Badminton
Vice President Conor Bond Men’s Hockey
VP Intra-Mural Robert Key Squash and Football
Hon. Secretary Sarah Whittick Women’s Lacrosse
Publicity Officer Douglas Taylor Basketball
Alumni Officer Fraser Stockton Curling
Sponsorship Officer Marsh Flint Mountaineering
Intra-Mural Co-ordinator Mareena Sergeeva Boat & Netball

*No nominations were submitted. Entries will be accepted for the General Meeting in September.


Photo: Edinburgh University Sports Union


Committee 2013-14

At the AGM held on Wednesday 27th March, the following committee was elected and will take office on the 1st of June. Congratulations to those who stood, it’s looking like next year will be another great one for the Club!

President Jayne Stirling
Vice President Gavin McQuistin
Secretary Sarah Piggott
Treasurer Emma Wheeldon
Alumni Officer Heather Dun
Safety & Equipment Officer Fergus Gallagher
Social Secretary Schuyler Ward
Publicity Officer Catriona Keatinge

Keep an eye out for the new committee page coming soon!



Website Update

Over the next week or so there’s some updating being done to the website, namely uploading the results and some pictures from the Universities Open in Stranraer, adjusting the ‘Alumni‘ section to include a report from the Anniversary Bonspiel, creating new pages for the incoming committee members, and and all-round tidy up, including posting some missing match reports and scores.

Keep an eye out for the changes!